A Stream Of Thoughts To Detach Us From The Current | HEIT | Berlin | 2022

04.03.- 01.04.2022
Beware that you are entering an environment in decay.
Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction.
Summer holidays or TV - Whichever associations you have with water toys.
UV light solariums are an invention to fulfill the need to tan: at your demand, an electric sun.
The installation will contain UVA Solariums to create a scene of decaying daydreams and memories. Stone paper is resistant to water but will dissolve to dust under exposure to UV light. Like a campfire, the sculpture in the installation will, invisibly, burn down to ashes by being exposed to the UVA lights. Chewing gum gets chewed while we wait up for something to happen. Waiting for the bus to come, you may dream of a location or scenario that never will exist. A series of drawings unite the materials Bus Seat Plush, Chewing gum, and reflecting iron-on fabric, the works may resonate with daydreams and memories.
Photo credit: Caroline Seeliger