A Stream Of Thoughts To Detach Us From The Current
A body of work including sculptures, color pencil drawings and chewing gum paintings.
selected exhibitions
Kunstpreis junger westen 2023 | Kunsthalle Recklinghausen | 2023
A Stream Of Thoughts To Detach Us From The Current | HEIT Berlin | 2022
The Fairest 02 | Kühlhaus Berlin | 2023
A Stream Of Thoughts To Detach Us From The Current | MMXX | Berlin | 2022
sculptures | stone paper
Stone paper is resistant to water but will crumble into dust on exposure to sunlight (UV).
This body of work includes a series of original size replicas of Oudoor Equipment, such as inflatable boats, swim loops, air matresses or parasols. Following the original design, size and built of the objects, the replica seem like a blueprint or an idea of the objects.
Using stone paper as only material includes, that the sculpture will (one day) dissolve if exposed to sunlight or any UV Light Source. This leads to the question, if the sculptures should be kept in the dark forever. Each piece includes a documentation of UV exposure and data on exposure times. in each exhibition, the process of dissolving can either be speeded up by exposure to UV-B lights, or the pieces can be preserved behind common UV-glas or without direct sunlight.
As with many of our holiday memories, it is questionable how sustainable (or dissolving) these objects and our outdoor activities are anyway. Maybe these toys belong to an outrageous past.
The works have been exhibited floating on Lake Zürich in front of Rote Fabrik in Summer 2021, in a tanning Installation at Galerie Heit Berlin, at Tor Art Space Frankfurt, and MMXX Berlin in 2022 and a rafting boat was part of Kunstpreis junger westen at Kunsthalle Recklinghausen.

color pencil and reflective gore-tex on paper
Based on an image web search for "perfect day" and "happy place", the color pencil drawings use stock images to create multilayered landscapes of potential perfect destinations. depending on the physical location (IP address) and date of image search, the landscapes differ.
As a final layer, a reflective fabric (for protective visibility in the dark) diffuses the images. Depending on movement and light, the reflecting fabric changes from dark graphite to bright white.
These works refer to our emotional attachment to nature, mobility and daydreaming.

chewing gum and mobility textiles
Mobility Textiles such as Plush for train seats are a material that serves easily as a connection to our memories and expectations of travel. They carry our bodies softly from A to B. This body of work was generously supported by Lantal Textiles.
Chewing (gum) is waiting and contemplating, something to do while in limbo. Also a short moment of fresh breath. The lines marking the fabrics are made by pressing the chewing gum on the plush surfaces, as we all have done secretly on busses before.
The motives such as palm trees were intuitively chosen to represent emotional attachments to dream locations that exist maybe online but never feel the same once we arrive.But while we wait for something to happen, we may chew and dream of a location to go to that never really exsists.